Tips of the Trade: Vol. 4
The safest way to display your collection is basic, DO NOT display it. Ideally, if you want to preserve the condition of your collection for a prolonged period of time, you would need to keep it hidden away. But where is the fun in that? Below are a few tips on how to display your collection safely.
Whether you are framing a piece of your collection or displaying it in a case, acrylic products are the recommended way to go. Acrylic is less likely to break than glass and usually comes with a UV protection. Best advice when deciding to frame or display an important piece of your collection is to consult a professional framer who deals with sports collectibles regularly.
Direct sunlight is the biggest enemy of your collectables. When exposed to direct sunlight, autographs will fade over time and even trading cards will lose their coloring. If you want to display your collection at your office or in your mancave, the same advice applies, keep the blinds closed during the day to avoid damaging your items. You also want to make sure the temperature and the humidity are controlled.
Should you choose to store your collection in top loaders or bags, make sure they are acid free so they don’t damage your items over time. In other words, it’s worth the money to buy storage items meant specifically for sports collectibles to keep your items in good condition.
There are constant debates as to which top loaders you should use for your trading cards. The one thing everyone seems to agree on is that we need to avoid screw downs at all costs! These holders were very popular in the 1990s before the explosion of card grading, but they are extremely damaging to the cards, sometimes causing paper loss and even flattening some cards so much that they will not be gradable.
Some people really like the one-touch cases, while other people say they aren’t good for the cards. Some people prefer the semi-rigid card holders to the less flexible regular top loaders. The bottom line when it comes to storing your sports cards is that if you have a valuable card, whether in terms of monetary or sentimental value, getting it graded is probably the best way to ensure its safety.

No matter which way you choose to display or store your collection, make sure it is the right way for you. If it gives you joy to look at your items from time to time, make sure they are accessible to you. If you want to be able to show your friends, make sure you protect your items from the different factors listed above. If you feel safer keeping your collection at the bank, take some scans of your items so you can look at them whenever you need that uplifting feeling your collection gives you. Basically, collecting should give you pleasure so do what makes you happy.